Sensors Messages

Revolutions Per Minute

Number of revolutions per minute.

  • Abbreviation: Rpm
  • Identification Number: 250
  • Payload Size: 2 bytes
  • Message Size: 24 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value rpm int16_t Number of revolutions per minute. Same as field type


Report of electrical voltage.

  • Abbreviation: Voltage
  • Identification Number: 251
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Measured Voltage Value value V fp32_t The value of the internal electrical voltage as measured by the sensor. Same as field type


Report of electrical current.

  • Abbreviation: Current
  • Identification Number: 252
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Measured Current Value value A fp32_t The value of the internal electrical current as measured by the sensor. Same as field type


Report of a GPS fix.

  • Abbreviation: GpsFix
  • Identification Number: 253
  • Payload Size: 56 bytes
  • Message Size: 78 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Validity validity Bitfield (Bitfield Validity) uint16_t Validity of fields. Same as field type
Type type Enumerated (Enum Type) uint8_t Type of fix. Same as field type
UTC Year utc_year - uint16_t UTC year. Same as field type
UTC Month utc_month - uint8_t UTC month. Same as field type
UTC Day utc_day - uint8_t UTC day. Same as field type
UTC Time of Fix utc_time s fp32_t UTC time of the GPS fix measured in seconds since 00:00:00 (midnight). Same as field type
Latitude WGS-84 lat rad fp64_t WGS-84 Latitude coordinate. min=-1.5707963267948966, max=1.5707963267948966
Longitude WGS-84 lon rad fp64_t WGS-84 Longitude coordinate. min=-3.141592653589793, max=3.141592653589793
Height above WGS-84 ellipsoid height m fp32_t Height above WGS-84 ellipsoid. Same as field type
Number of Satellites satellites - uint8_t Number of satellites used by the GPS device to compute the solution. Same as field type
Course Over Ground cog rad fp32_t Course Over Ground (true). Same as field type
Speed Over Ground sog m/s fp32_t Speed Over Ground. Same as field type
Horizontal Dilution of Precision hdop - fp32_t Horizontal dilution of precision. Same as field type
Vertical Dilution of Precision vdop - fp32_t Vertical dilution of precision. Same as field type
Horizontal Accuracy Estimate hacc m fp32_t Horizontal Accuracy Estimate. Same as field type
Vertical Accuracy Estimate vacc m fp32_t Vertical Accuracy Estimate. Same as field type

Bitfield Validity

Validity of fields.

  • Abbreviation: validity
  • Prefix: GFV
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x0001 Valid Date VALID_DATE Fields ‘utc_year’, ‘utc_month’ and ‘utc_day’ are valid.
0x0002 Valid Time VALID_TIME Field ‘utc_time’ is valid.
0x0004 Valid Position VALID_POS Fields ‘lat’, ‘lon’, ‘altitude’ and ‘satellites’ are valid.
0x0008 Valid Course Over Ground VALID_COG Field ‘cog’ is valid.
0x0010 Valid Speed Over Ground VALID_SOG Field ‘sog’ is valid.
0x0020 Valid Horizontal Accuracy Estimate VALID_HACC Field ‘hacc’ is valid.
0x0040 Valid Vertical Accuracy Estimate VALID_VACC Field ‘vacc’ is valid.
0x0080 Valid Horizontal Dilution of Precision VALID_HDOP Field ‘hdop’ is valid.
0x0100 Valid Vertical Dilution of Precision VALID_VDOP Field ‘vdop’ is valid.

Enum Type

Type of fix.

  • Abbreviation: type
  • Prefix: GFT
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x00 Stand Alone STANDALONE Stand alone solution.
0x01 Differential DIFFERENTIAL Differential solution.
0x02 Dead Reckoning DEAD_RECKONING Dead reckoning solution.
0x03 Manual Input MANUAL_INPUT Manual solution.
0x04 Simulation SIMULATION Simulated solution.

Euler Angles

Report of spatial orientation according to SNAME’s notation (1950).

  • Abbreviation: EulerAngles
  • Identification Number: 254
  • Payload Size: 40 bytes
  • Message Size: 62 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Device Time time s fp64_t The device time. Same as field type
Roll Angle phi rad fp64_t Rotation around the vehicle longitudinal axis. min=-3.141592653589793, max=3.141592653589793
Pitch Angle theta rad fp64_t Rotation around the vehicle lateral or transverse axis. min=-1.57079632679490, max=1.57079632679490
Yaw Angle (True) psi rad fp64_t Rotation around the vehicle vertical axis. A value of 0 means the vehicle is oriented towards true north. In cases where the sensor cannot measure the true heading, this field will have the same value as Yaw (Magnetic). min=-3.141592653589793, max=3.141592653589793
Yaw Angle (Magnetic) psi_magnetic rad fp64_t Rotation around the vehicle vertical axis. A value of 0 means the vehicle is oriented towards magnetic north. In cases where the sensor cannot measure the magnetic heading, this field will have the same value as Yaw (True). min=-3.141592653589793, max=3.141592653589793

Euler Angles Delta

Component of incremetal orientation vector over a period of time.

  • Abbreviation: EulerAnglesDelta
  • Identification Number: 255
  • Payload Size: 36 bytes
  • Message Size: 58 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Device Time time s fp64_t The device time. Same as field type
X x rad fp64_t X component. Same as field type
Y y rad fp64_t Y component. Same as field type
Z z rad fp64_t Z component. Same as field type
Timestep timestep s fp32_t Period of time of the orientation vector increments. Same as field type

Angular Velocity

Vector quantifying the direction and magnitude of the measured angular velocity that a device is exposed to.

  • Abbreviation: AngularVelocity
  • Identification Number: 256
  • Payload Size: 32 bytes
  • Message Size: 54 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Device Time time s fp64_t The device time. Same as field type
X x rad/s fp64_t X component. Same as field type
Y y rad/s fp64_t Y component. Same as field type
Z z rad/s fp64_t Z component. Same as field type


Vector quantifying the direction and magnitude of the measured acceleration that a device is exposed to.

  • Abbreviation: Acceleration
  • Identification Number: 257
  • Payload Size: 32 bytes
  • Message Size: 54 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Device Time time s fp64_t The device time. Same as field type
X x m/s/s fp64_t X component. Same as field type
Y y m/s/s fp64_t Y component. Same as field type
Z z m/s/s fp64_t Z component. Same as field type

Magnetic Field

Vector quantifying the direction and magnitude of the measured magnetic field that a device is exposed to.

  • Abbreviation: MagneticField
  • Identification Number: 258
  • Payload Size: 32 bytes
  • Message Size: 54 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Device Time time s fp64_t The device time. Same as field type
X x G fp64_t X component. Same as field type
Y y G fp64_t Y component. Same as field type
Z z G fp64_t Z component. Same as field type

Ground Velocity

Vector quantifying the direction and magnitude of the measured velocity relative to the ground that a device is exposed to.

  • Abbreviation: GroundVelocity
  • Identification Number: 259
  • Payload Size: 25 bytes
  • Message Size: 47 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Validity validity Bitfield (Bitfield Validity) uint8_t Each bit of this field represents if a given velocity component is valid. Same as field type
X x m/s fp64_t X component. Same as field type
Y y m/s fp64_t Y component. Same as field type
Z z m/s fp64_t Z component. Same as field type

Bitfield Validity

Each bit of this field represents if a given velocity component is valid.

  • Abbreviation: validity
  • Prefix: VAL
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x01 X component is valid VEL_X -
0x02 Y component is valid VEL_Y -
0x04 Z component is valid VEL_Z -

Water Velocity

Vector quantifying the direction and magnitude of the measured velocity relative to the water that a device is exposed to.

  • Abbreviation: WaterVelocity
  • Identification Number: 260
  • Payload Size: 25 bytes
  • Message Size: 47 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Validity validity Bitfield (Bitfield Validity) uint8_t Each bit of this field represents if a given velocity component is valid. Same as field type
X x m/s fp64_t X component. Same as field type
Y y m/s fp64_t Y component. Same as field type
Z z m/s fp64_t Z component. Same as field type

Bitfield Validity

Each bit of this field represents if a given velocity component is valid.

  • Abbreviation: validity
  • Prefix: VAL
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x01 X component is valid VEL_X -
0x02 Y component is valid VEL_Y -
0x04 Z component is valid VEL_Z -

Velocity Delta

Component of incremetal velocity vector.

  • Abbreviation: VelocityDelta
  • Identification Number: 261
  • Payload Size: 32 bytes
  • Message Size: 54 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Device Time time s fp64_t The device time. Same as field type
X x m/s fp64_t X component. Same as field type
Y y m/s fp64_t Y component. Same as field type
Z z m/s fp64_t Z component. Same as field type


Distance measurement detected by the device.

  • Abbreviation: Distance
  • Identification Number: 262
  • Payload Size: 9+ bytes
  • Message Size: 31+ bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Validity validity Enumerated (Enum Validity) uint8_t Validity of the measurement. Same as field type
Location location - message-list (Device State) Device Location in the system. Same as field type
Beam Configuration beam_config - message-list (Beam Configuration) Beam configuration of the device. Same as field type
Measured Distance value m fp32_t Measured distance. Same as field type

Enum Validity

Validity of the measurement.

  • Abbreviation: validity
  • Prefix: DV
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Invalid INVALID Measurement is invalid.
1 Valid VALID Measurement is valid.


Report of temperature.

  • Abbreviation: Temperature
  • Identification Number: 263
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Measured Temperature value °C fp32_t The value of the temperature as measured by the sensor. Same as field type


Report of external pressure.

  • Abbreviation: Pressure
  • Identification Number: 264
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
  • Message Size: 30 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Measured Pressure value hPa fp64_t The value of the pressure as measured by the sensor. Same as field type


Depth report.

  • Abbreviation: Depth
  • Identification Number: 265
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Measured Depth value m fp32_t Depth value measured by a sensor. Same as field type

Depth Offset

Report of Depth Offset.

  • Abbreviation: DepthOffset
  • Identification Number: 266
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Measured Offset value m fp32_t Depth offset. Same as field type

Sound Speed

Sound Speed report.

  • Abbreviation: SoundSpeed
  • Identification Number: 267
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Computed Sound Speed value m/s fp32_t Estimated sound speed. Negative values denote invalid estimates. Same as field type

Water Density

Water Density report.

  • Abbreviation: WaterDensity
  • Identification Number: 268
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Computed Water Density value kg/m/m/m fp32_t Computed Water Density. Same as field type


Report of conductivity.

  • Abbreviation: Conductivity
  • Identification Number: 269
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Measured Conductivity value S/m fp32_t The value of the conductivity as measured by the sensor. Same as field type


Report of salinity.

  • Abbreviation: Salinity
  • Identification Number: 270
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Measured Salinity value - fp32_t The value of the salinity as measured by the sensor. Same as field type

Wind Speed

Measurement of wind speed.

  • Abbreviation: WindSpeed
  • Identification Number: 271
  • Payload Size: 12 bytes
  • Message Size: 34 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Direction direction rad fp32_t Direction of the measured wind speed. Same as field type
Speed speed m/s fp32_t The value of the wind speed as measured by the sensor. Same as field type
Turbulence turbulence m/s fp32_t Wind turbulence intensity. Same as field type

Relative Humidity

Measurement of relative humidity.

  • Abbreviation: RelativeHumidity
  • Identification Number: 272
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Relative Humidity Value value - fp32_t Value of relative humidity. min=0, max=100

Device Data (Text)

Verbatim representation of device data in plain text format.

  • Abbreviation: DevDataText
  • Identification Number: 273
  • Payload Size: 2+ bytes
  • Message Size: 24+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value - plaintext Plain text data as extracted directly from the device. Same as field type

Device Data (Binary)

Verbatim representation of device data in binary format.

  • Abbreviation: DevDataBinary
  • Identification Number: 274
  • Payload Size: 2+ bytes
  • Message Size: 24+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value - rawdata Raw binary data as extracted directly from the device. Same as field type


Force measurement.

  • Abbreviation: Force
  • Identification Number: 275
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Measured Force value N fp32_t Force magnitude. Same as field type

Sonar Data

This message contains the data acquired by a single sonar measurement. The following describes the format used to fill the data field used in this message. (Byte order is little endian.)


Data Name Type
A Ranges data uintX_t
  • The type uintX_t will depend on the number of bits per unit, and it should be a multiple of 8.
  • Furthermore, for now, 32 bits is the highest value of bits per unit supported.


Index Section Name Type Comments
1 H1 Number of points uint16_t Number of data points
2 H2 Start angle fp32_t In radians
3 H3 Flags uint8_t Refer to next table
4 H4 ? Angle scale factor fp32_t Used for angle steps in radians
5 H5 ? Intensities scale factor fp32_t  
6 D1 ? Angle steps[H1] uint16_t Values in radians
7 D2 Ranges[H1] uintX_t Ranges data points (scale factor from common field “Scaling Factor”)
8 D3 ? Intensities[H1] uintX_t Intensities data points
Section Flag Label Bit
H4.1 Intensities flag 0
H4.2 Angle step flag 1


  • Each angle at step i can be calculated is defined by:
angle[i] = H2_start_angle + (32-bit sum of D1_angle_step[0] through D1_angle_step[i]) * H4_scaling_factor
  • If bit H4.1 is not set then sections H5 and D3 won’t exist.
  • If bit H4.2 is not set then sections H4 and D1 won’t exist. In case this bit is set, then the angle steps is read from field “Beam Width” from “Beam Configuration”.
  • The type uintX_t will depend on the number of bits per unit, and it should be a multiple of 8.
  • Furthermore, for now, 32 bits is the highest value of bits per unit supported.

How to write ranges and intensities data:

data_unit = (Integer) (data_value / scale_factor);
bytes_per_unit = bits_per_unit / 8;
LOOP: i = 0, until i = bytes_per_unit
    byte[i] = (data_unit >> 8 * i) & 0xFF);



  • Abbreviation: SonarData
  • Identification Number: 276
  • Payload Size: 18+ bytes
  • Message Size: 40+ bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Type type Enumerated (Enum Type) uint8_t Type of sonar. Same as field type
Frequency frequency Hz uint32_t Operating frequency. Same as field type
Minimum Range min_range m uint16_t Minimum range. Same as field type
Maximum Range max_range m uint16_t Maximum range. Same as field type
Bits Per Data Point bits_per_point bit uint8_t Size of the data unit. (Should be multiple of 8) Same as field type
Scaling Factor scale_factor - fp32_t Scaling factor used to multiply each data unit to restore the original floating point value. Same as field type
Beam Configuration beam_config - message-list (Beam Configuration) Beam configuration of the device. Same as field type
Data data - rawdata Data acquired by the measurement. Same as field type

Enum Type

Type of sonar.

  • Abbreviation: type
  • Prefix: ST
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Sidescan SIDESCAN -
1 Echo Sounder ECHOSOUNDER -
2 Multibeam MULTIBEAM -


Hardware pulse detection.

  • Abbreviation: Pulse
  • Identification Number: 277
  • Payload Size: 0 bytes
  • Message Size: 22 bytes
  • Flags: periodic

This message has no fields.

Pulse Detection Control

Control of hardware pulse detection.

  • Abbreviation: PulseDetectionControl
  • Identification Number: 278
  • Payload Size: 1 bytes
  • Message Size: 23 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Operation op Enumerated (Enum Operation) uint8_t Activate or deactivate hardware pulse detection. Same as field type

Enum Operation

Activate or deactivate hardware pulse detection.

  • Abbreviation: op
  • Prefix: POP
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Pulse Detection OFF OFF -
1 Pulse Detection ON ON -

Fuel Level

Report of fuel level.

  • Abbreviation: FuelLevel
  • Identification Number: 279
  • Payload Size: 10+ bytes
  • Message Size: 32+ bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value % fp32_t Fuel level percentage of the system. min=0, max=100
Confidence Level confidence % fp32_t Percentage level of confidence in the estimation of the amount of energy in the batteries. min=0, max=100
Operation Modes opmodes TupleList plaintext Operation mode name and the estimated time available in that mode in hours. Example: “Motion=1.5” Same as field type

GPS Navigation Data

Report of GPS navigation data.

  • Abbreviation: GpsNavData
  • Identification Number: 280
  • Payload Size: 68 bytes
  • Message Size: 90 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
GPS Millisecond Time of Week itow ms uint32_t GPS Millisecond Time of Week. Same as field type
Latitude lat rad fp64_t Latitude. Same as field type
Longitude lon rad fp64_t Longitude. Same as field type
Height above ellipsoid height_ell m fp32_t Height Above Ellipsoid. Same as field type
Height above sea level height_sea m fp32_t Height Above Sea Level. Same as field type
Horizontal Accuracy Estimate hacc m fp32_t Horizontal Accuracy Estimate. Same as field type
Vertical Accuracy Estimate vacc m fp32_t Vertical Accuracy Estimate. Same as field type
NED North Velocity vel_n m/s fp32_t NED North Velocity. Same as field type
NED East Velocity vel_e m/s fp32_t NED East Velocity. Same as field type
NED Down Velocity vel_d m/s fp32_t NED Down Velocity. Same as field type
Speed (3D) speed m/s fp32_t NED Down Velocity. Same as field type
Ground Speed (2D) gspeed m/s fp32_t NED Down Velocity. Same as field type
Heading (2D) heading rad fp32_t NED Down Velocity. Same as field type
Speed Accuracy Estimate sacc m/s fp32_t NED Down Velocity. Same as field type
Course / Heading Accuracy Estimate cacc rad fp32_t Course / Heading Accuracy Estimate. Same as field type

Servo Position

Actual position of a servo.

  • Abbreviation: ServoPosition
  • Identification Number: 281
  • Payload Size: 5 bytes
  • Message Size: 27 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Identifier id - uint8_t Servo identifier. Same as field type
Position value rad fp32_t Value of the servo position. min=-1.5707963267948966, max=1.5707963267948966

Device State

Location of a specific device in the system infrastructure.

  • Abbreviation: DeviceState
  • Identification Number: 282
  • Payload Size: 24 bytes
  • Message Size: 46 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Device Position - X x m fp32_t Device’s position over the X axis. Same as field type
Device Position - Y y m fp32_t Device’s position over the Y axis. Same as field type
Device Position - Z z m fp32_t Device’s position over the Z axis. Same as field type
Device Rotation - X phi rad fp32_t Device’s rotation over the X axis. Same as field type
Device Rotation - Y theta rad fp32_t Device’s rotation over the Y axis. Same as field type
Device Rotation - Z psi rad fp32_t Device’s rotation over the Z axis. Same as field type

Beam Configuration

Beam configuration of the device.

  • Abbreviation: BeamConfig
  • Identification Number: 283
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
  • Message Size: 30 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Beam Width beam_width rad fp32_t Beam width of the instrument. A negative number denotes that this information is not available or is not applicable. min=0, max=3.141592653589793
Beam Height beam_height rad fp32_t Beam height of the instrument. A negative number denotes that this information is not available or is not applicable. min=0, max=3.141592653589793

Data Sanity

Report sanity or lack of it in the data output by a sensor.

  • Abbreviation: DataSanity
  • Identification Number: 284
  • Payload Size: 1 bytes
  • Message Size: 23 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Sanity sane Enumerated (Enum Sanity) uint8_t Whether the data is sane or not sane. Same as field type

Enum Sanity

Whether the data is sane or not sane.

  • Abbreviation: sane
  • Prefix: DS
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Sane SANE Data is sane.
1 Not Sane NOT_SANE Data is not sane.

Rhodamine Dye

Rhodamine Dye measurement.

  • Abbreviation: RhodamineDye
  • Identification Number: 285
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value PPB fp32_t Amount of rhodamine dye detected. Same as field type

Crude Oil

Crude oil measurement.

  • Abbreviation: CrudeOil
  • Identification Number: 286
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value PPB fp32_t Amount of crude oil detected. Same as field type

Fine Oil

Fine oil measurement.

  • Abbreviation: FineOil
  • Identification Number: 287
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value PPB fp32_t Amount of fine oil detected. Same as field type


Turbidity measurement.

  • Abbreviation: Turbidity
  • Identification Number: 288
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value NTU fp32_t Turbidity reading. Same as field type


Chlorophyll measurement.

  • Abbreviation: Chlorophyll
  • Identification Number: 289
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value µg/L fp32_t Chlorophyll reading. Same as field type


Fluorescein measurement.

  • Abbreviation: Fluorescein
  • Identification Number: 290
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value PPB fp32_t Fluorescein reading. Same as field type


Phycocyanin measurement.

  • Abbreviation: Phycocyanin
  • Identification Number: 291
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value PPB fp32_t Phycocyanin reading. Same as field type


Phycoerythrin measurement.

  • Abbreviation: Phycoerythrin
  • Identification Number: 292
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value PPB fp32_t Phycoerythrin reading. Same as field type


Report of an RTK-GPS fix.

  • Abbreviation: GpsFixRtk
  • Identification Number: 293
  • Payload Size: 58 bytes
  • Message Size: 80 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Validity validity Bitfield (Bitfield Validity) uint16_t Validity of fields. Same as field type
Type type Enumerated (Enum Type) uint8_t Type of fix. Same as field type
GPS Time of Week tow - uint32_t GPS Time of Week. Same as field type
Base Latitude WGS-84 base_lat rad fp64_t WGS-84 Latitude coordinate of the base. min=-1.5707963267948966, max=1.5707963267948966
Base Longitude WGS-84 base_lon rad fp64_t WGS-84 Longitude coordinate of the base. min=-3.141592653589793, max=3.141592653589793
Base Height above WGS-84 ellipsoid base_height m fp32_t Height above WGS-84 ellipsoid of the base. Same as field type
Position North n m fp32_t Baseline North coordinate. Same as field type
Position East e m fp32_t Baseline East coordinate. Same as field type
Position Down d m fp32_t Baseline Down coordinate. Same as field type
Velocity North v_n m/s fp32_t Velocity North coordinate. Same as field type
Velocity East v_e m/s fp32_t Velocity East coordinate. Same as field type
Velocity Down v_d m/s fp32_t Velocity Down coordinate. Same as field type
Number of Satellites satellites - uint8_t Number of satellites used in solution. Same as field type
IAR Hypotheses iar_hyp - uint16_t Number of hypotheses in the Integer Ambiguity Resolution (smaller is better). Same as field type
IAR Ratio iar_ratio - fp32_t Quality ratio of Integer Ambiguity Resolution (bigger is better). Same as field type

Bitfield Validity

Validity of fields.

  • Abbreviation: validity
  • Prefix: RFV
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x0001 Valid Time VALID_TIME Field ‘tow’ is valid.
0x0002 Valid Base LLH VALID_BASE Fields ‘base_lat’, ‘base_lon’ and ‘base_height’ are valid.
0x0004 Valid Position VALID_POS Fields ‘n’, ‘e’, ‘d’ are valid.
0x0008 Valid Velocity VALID_VEL Fields ‘v_n’, ‘v_e’, ‘v_d’ are valid.

Enum Type

Type of fix.

  • Abbreviation: type
  • Prefix: RTK
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x00 None NONE No solution, but RTK task is running.
0x01 Obs OBS No solution, but receiving observations.
0x02 Float FLOAT Floating point solution of IAR.
0x03 Fixed FIXED Fixed (single) solution of IAR.

External Navigation Data

This message is a representation of the state of the vehicle, as seen by an external navigation computer.

An example usage is when DUNE is used with ardupilot. The data gathered from the autopilot is a complete navigation solution.

ExternalNavData contains an inline Estimated State, which is a complete description of the system in terms of parameters such as position, orientation and velocities at a particular moment in time.

The Type field selects wether the navigation data is a full state estimation, or only concerns attitude or position/velocity.

  • Abbreviation: ExternalNavData
  • Identification Number: 294
  • Payload Size: 91 bytes
  • Message Size: 113 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Estimated State state - message (Estimated State) External Navigation Data. Same as field type
Nav Data Type type Enumerated (Enum Nav Data Type) uint8_t The type of external navigation data Same as field type

Enum Nav Data Type

The type of external navigation data

  • Abbreviation: type
  • Prefix: EXTNAV
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Full State FULL -
1 Attitude Heading Reference System Only AHRS -
2 Position Reference System only POSREF -

Dissolved Oxygen

Dissolved Oxygen measurement.

  • Abbreviation: DissolvedOxygen
  • Identification Number: 295
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value µM fp32_t Dissolved Oxygen reading. Same as field type

Air Saturation

Air Saturation measurement.

  • Abbreviation: AirSaturation
  • Identification Number: 296
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value % fp32_t Air Saturation reading. Same as field type


Throttle e.g. for Plane/Copter .

  • Abbreviation: Throttle
  • Identification Number: 297
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
  • Message Size: 30 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value % fp64_t The value of the desired throttle. Same as field type


Report of pH.

  • Abbreviation: PH
  • Identification Number: 298
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value - fp32_t The value of the pH as measured by the sensor. Same as field type

Redox Potential

Report of Redox Potential.

  • Abbreviation: Redox
  • Identification Number: 299
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value V fp32_t The value of the Redox as measured by the sensor. Same as field type