CCU Messages

Reported State

A vehicle state that is reported to other consoles (including PDAConsole). Source can be acoustic tracker, SMS, Wi-Fi, etc…

  • Abbreviation: ReportedState
  • Identification Number: 600
  • Payload Size: 59+ bytes
  • Message Size: 81+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Latitude lat rad fp64_t   Same as field type
Longitude lon rad fp64_t   Same as field type
Depth depth m fp64_t The reported depth. In the case of not knowing the depth 0 will be reported. Airplanes usually have negative values (por positive altitude). Same as field type
Roll roll rad fp64_t The phi Euler angle from the vehicle’s attitude. Same as field type
Pitch pitch rad fp64_t The theta Euler angle from the vehicle’s attitude. Same as field type
Yaw yaw rad fp64_t The psi Euler angle from the vehicle’s attitude. Same as field type
Reception Time rcp_time s fp64_t The time when the packet was sent, as seen by the packet dispatcher. The number of seconds is represented in Universal Coordinated Time (UCT) in seconds since Jan 1, 1970 using IEEE double precision floating point numbers. Same as field type
System Identifier sid - plaintext The id of the system whose position is being reported (it can be a vehicle’s id, a boat name, etc) Same as field type
Source Type s_type Enumerated (Enum Source Type) uint8_t How the position was received/calculated Same as field type

Enum Source Type

How the position was received/calculated

  • Abbreviation: s_type
  • Prefix: STYPE
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Wi-Fi WI_FI -
1 Tracker TRACKER -
3 Acoustic Modem ACOUSTIC_MODEM -
254 Unknown source UNKNOWN -

Remote Sensor Info

Whenever the CUCS receives a message from one of the existing sensors (through SMS, ZigBee, Acoustic Comms, …) it disseminates that info recurring to this message.

  • Abbreviation: RemoteSensorInfo
  • Identification Number: 601
  • Payload Size: 30+ bytes
  • Message Size: 52+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Id id - plaintext An unique string that identifies the sensor. Used mostly for logging/presentation. Same as field type
Class sensor_class - plaintext The class of a sensor tells the type of sensor originating this message. It will determine how the sensor is to be shown and (optionally) how the custom data (tuplelist) is to be interpreted. Same as field type
Latitude lat rad fp64_t   Same as field type
Longitude lon rad fp64_t   Same as field type
Altitude alt m fp32_t   Same as field type
Heading heading rad fp32_t   Same as field type
Custom Data data TupleList plaintext   Same as field type


This message represents a simple map that is transferred between CCU consoles (from Neptus to ACCU)

  • Abbreviation: Map
  • Identification Number: 602
  • Payload Size: 4+ bytes
  • Message Size: 26+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Identifier id - plaintext The id of the map Same as field type
Features features - message-list (Map Feature) A list of map features. Same as field type

Map Feature

A feature to appear on the map

  • Abbreviation: MapFeature
  • Identification Number: 603
  • Payload Size: 8+ bytes
  • Message Size: 30+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Identifier id - plaintext The unique identifier for this feature (used as the name for points of interest) Same as field type
FeatureType feature_type Enumerated (Enum FeatureType) uint8_t The type of feature Same as field type
RedComponent rgb_red - uint8_t The red component of the color for this point Same as field type
GreenComponent rgb_green - uint8_t The green component of the color for this point Same as field type
BlueComponent rgb_blue - uint8_t The blue component of the color for this point Same as field type
Feature feature - message-list (MapPoint) The enclosing feature definition. Same as field type

Enum FeatureType

The type of feature

  • Abbreviation: feature_type
  • Prefix: FTYPE
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Point of Interest POI These features should appear as a point with a label in the map
1 Filled Polygon FILLEDPOLY These features should be represented as a filled polygon (no label)
2 Countoured Polygon CONTOUREDPOLY These features should be represented as a countoured closed polygon (no fill and no label)
3 Line LINE These features should be represented as an open polygon (no label)
4 Transponder TRANSPONDER A transponder location in the map
5 Start Location STARTLOC Intended vehicle’s starting location
6 Home Reference HOMEREF The offsets reference for this map


This message represents a point in the world.

  • Abbreviation: MapPoint
  • Identification Number: 604
  • Payload Size: 20 bytes
  • Message Size: 42 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Latitude lat rad fp64_t   Same as field type
Longitude lon rad fp64_t   Same as field type
Altitude alt m fp32_t   Same as field type

CCU Event

This message is used to signal events among running CCUs.

  • Abbreviation: CcuEvent
  • Identification Number: 606
  • Payload Size: 5+ bytes
  • Message Size: 27+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Event Type type Enumerated (Enum Event Type) uint8_t   Same as field type
Identifier id - plaintext   Same as field type
Additional Data arg - message   Same as field type

Enum Event Type

No description

  • Abbreviation: type
  • Prefix: EVT
Value Name Abbreviation Description
1 Log Book Entry Added LOG_ENTRY -
2 Plan Added PLAN_ADDED -
3 Plan Removed PLAN_REMOVED -
4 Plan Changed PLAN_CHANGED -
5 Map feature added MAP_FEATURE_ADDED -
6 Map feature removed MAP_FEATURE_REMOVED -
7 Map feature changed MAP_FEATURE_CHANGED -
8 The sender is now teleoperating the vehicle TELEOPERATION_STARTED -
9 The sender stopped teleoperating the vehicle TELEOPERATION_ENDED -