Development Messages



  • Abbreviation: Target
  • Identification Number: 800
  • Payload Size: 31+ bytes
  • Message Size: 53+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Label label - plaintext Target identifier. Same as field type
Latitude WGS-84 lat rad fp64_t WGS-84 Latitude coordinate. min=-1.5707963267948966, max=1.5707963267948966
Longitude WGS-84 lon rad fp64_t WGS-84 Longitude coordinate. min=-3.141592653589793, max=3.141592653589793
Z Reference z m fp32_t Z axis reference. Use z_units to specify whether z represents depth, altitude or other. Same as field type
Z Units z_units Enumerated (Enum Z Units) uint8_t Units of the z reference. Same as field type
Course Over Ground cog rad fp32_t Course Over Ground (true). Same as field type
Speed Over Ground sog m/s fp32_t Speed Over Ground. Same as field type


Entity parameter.

  • Abbreviation: EntityParameter
  • Identification Number: 801
  • Payload Size: 4+ bytes
  • Message Size: 26+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Name name - plaintext Name of the parameter. Same as field type
Value value - plaintext Current value of the parameter. Same as field type


List of entity parameters.

  • Abbreviation: EntityParameters
  • Identification Number: 802
  • Payload Size: 4+ bytes
  • Message Size: 26+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Entity Name name - plaintext Name of the entity. Same as field type
Parameters params - message-list (EntityParameter) List of parameters. Same as field type


No description

  • Abbreviation: QueryEntityParameters
  • Identification Number: 803
  • Payload Size: 6+ bytes
  • Message Size: 28+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Entity Name name - plaintext   Same as field type
Visibility visibility - plaintext   Same as field type
Scope scope - plaintext   Same as field type


No description

  • Abbreviation: SetEntityParameters
  • Identification Number: 804
  • Payload Size: 4+ bytes
  • Message Size: 26+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Entity Name name - plaintext   Same as field type
Parameters params - message-list (EntityParameter)   Same as field type


No description

  • Abbreviation: SaveEntityParameters
  • Identification Number: 805
  • Payload Size: 2+ bytes
  • Message Size: 24+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Entity Name name - plaintext   Same as field type

Create Session

Request creating a new session with this remote peer. Example session sequence is shown in the following diagram.

  • Abbreviation: CreateSession
  • Identification Number: 806
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Session Timeout timeout - uint32_t Session timeout, in seconds. If no messages are received from the remote peer, the session will be closed after this ammount of seconds have ellapsed. Same as field type

Close Session

Request closing of an ongoing session

  • Abbreviation: CloseSession
  • Identification Number: 807
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Session Identifier sessid - uint32_t   Same as field type

Session Subscription

No description

  • Abbreviation: SessionSubscription
  • Identification Number: 808
  • Payload Size: 6+ bytes
  • Message Size: 28+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Session Identifier sessid - uint32_t   Same as field type
Messages to subscribe messages - plaintext Comma-separated list of messages to subscribe. Example: “EstimatedState,EulerAngles,Temperature” Same as field type

Session Keep-Alive

Message exchanged to prevent a session from timing out

  • Abbreviation: SessionKeepAlive
  • Identification Number: 809
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Session Identifier sessid - uint32_t   Same as field type

Session Status

Message transmitted periodically to inform the state of a communication session

  • Abbreviation: SessionStatus
  • Identification Number: 810
  • Payload Size: 5 bytes
  • Message Size: 27 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Session Identifier sessid - uint32_t   Same as field type
Status status Enumerated (Enum Status) uint8_t   Same as field type

Enum Status

No description

  • Abbreviation: status
  • Prefix: STATUS
Value Name Abbreviation Description
1 Established ESTABLISHED -
2 Closed CLOSED -

Push Entity Parameters

No description

  • Abbreviation: PushEntityParameters
  • Identification Number: 811
  • Payload Size: 2+ bytes
  • Message Size: 24+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Entity Name name - plaintext   Same as field type

Pop Entity Parameters

No description

  • Abbreviation: PopEntityParameters
  • Identification Number: 812
  • Payload Size: 2+ bytes
  • Message Size: 24+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Entity Name name - plaintext   Same as field type

I/O Event

Notification of an I/O event.

  • Abbreviation: IoEvent
  • Identification Number: 813
  • Payload Size: 3+ bytes
  • Message Size: 25+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Type type Enumerated (Enum Type) uint8_t Event type. Same as field type
Error Message error - plaintext Human-readable error message. Same as field type

Enum Type

Event type.

  • Abbreviation: type
  • Prefix: IOV_TYPE
Value Name Abbreviation Description
1 Input Available INPUT -
2 Input Error INPUT_ERROR -


No description

  • Abbreviation: UamTxFrame
  • Identification Number: 814
  • Payload Size: 7+ bytes
  • Message Size: 29+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Sequence Id seq - uint16_t   Same as field type
Destination System sys_dst - plaintext   Same as field type
Flags flags Bitfield (Bitfield Flags) uint8_t   Same as field type
Data data - rawdata   Same as field type

Bitfield Flags

No description

  • Abbreviation: flags
  • Prefix: UTF
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x01 Acknowledgement ACK -
0x02 Delayed DELAYED -


No description

  • Abbreviation: UamRxFrame
  • Identification Number: 815
  • Payload Size: 7+ bytes
  • Message Size: 29+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Source System sys_src - plaintext   Same as field type
Destination System sys_dst - plaintext   Same as field type
Flags flags Bitfield (Bitfield Flags) uint8_t   Same as field type
Data data - rawdata   Same as field type

Bitfield Flags

No description

  • Abbreviation: flags
  • Prefix: URF
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x01 Promiscuous PROMISCUOUS -
0x02 Delayed DELAYED -


No description

  • Abbreviation: UamTxStatus
  • Identification Number: 816
  • Payload Size: 5+ bytes
  • Message Size: 27+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Sequence Id seq - uint16_t   Same as field type
Value value Enumerated (Enum Value) uint8_t   Same as field type
Error Message error - plaintext   Same as field type

Enum Value

No description

  • Abbreviation: value
  • Prefix: UTS
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Transmission Completed DONE -
1 Transmission Failed FAILED -
2 Transmission Canceled CANCELED -
3 Modem is busy BUSY -
4 Invalid address INV_ADDR -
5 In Progress IP -
6 Unsupported operation UNSUPPORTED -
7 Invalid transmission size INV_SIZE -


No description

  • Abbreviation: UamRxRange
  • Identification Number: 817
  • Payload Size: 8+ bytes
  • Message Size: 30+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Sequence Id seq - uint16_t   Same as field type
System sys - plaintext   Same as field type
Value value - fp32_t   Same as field type

Formation Control Parameters

Formation controller paramenters, as: trajectory gains, control boundary layer thickness, and formation shape gains.

  • Abbreviation: FormCtrlParam
  • Identification Number: 820
  • Payload Size: 21 bytes
  • Message Size: 43 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Action Action Enumerated (Enum Action) uint8_t Action on the vehicle formation control parameters. Same as field type
Longitudinal Gain LonGain - fp32_t Trajectory gain over the vehicle longitudinal direction. Same as field type
Lateral Gain LatGain - fp32_t Trajectory gain over the vehicle lateral direction. Same as field type
Boundary Layer Thickness BondThick - uint32_t Control sliding surface boundary layer thickness. Same as field type
Leader Gain LeadGain - fp32_t Formation shape gain (absolute vehicle position tracking). Leader control importance gain (relative to the sum of every other formation vehicle). Same as field type
Deconfliction Gain DeconflGain - fp32_t Collision avoidance and formation shape gain (position tracking relative to the other formation vehicles). Individual vehicle importance gain (relative to the leader), when the relative position or the velocity state indicate higher probability of collision. Same as field type

Enum Action

Action on the vehicle formation control parameters.

  • Abbreviation: Action
  • Prefix: OP
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Request REQ -
1 Set SET -
2 Report REP -

Formation Evaluation Data

Formation control performance evaluation variables.

  • Abbreviation: FormationEval
  • Identification Number: 821
  • Payload Size: 12 bytes
  • Message Size: 34 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Mean position error err_mean - fp32_t Mean position error relative to the formation reference. Same as field type
Absolute minimum distance dist_min_abs - fp32_t Overall minimum distance to any other vehicle in the formation. Same as field type
Mean minimum distance dist_min_mean - fp32_t Mean minimum distance to any other vehicle in the formation. Same as field type

Formation Control Parameters

Formation controller paramenters, as: trajectory gains, control boundary layer thickness, and formation shape gains.

  • Abbreviation: FormationControlParams
  • Identification Number: 822
  • Payload Size: 41 bytes
  • Message Size: 63 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Action Action Enumerated (Enum Action) uint8_t Action on the vehicle formation control parameters. Same as field type
Longitudinal Gain lon_gain - fp32_t Trajectory gain over the vehicle longitudinal direction. Same as field type
Lateral Gain lat_gain - fp32_t Trajectory gain over the vehicle lateral direction. Same as field type
Boundary Layer Thickness bond_thick - fp32_t Control sliding surface boundary layer thickness. Same as field type
Leader Gain lead_gain - fp32_t Formation shape gain (absolute vehicle position tracking). Leader control importance gain (relative to the sum of every other formation vehicle). Same as field type
Deconfliction Gain deconfl_gain - fp32_t Collision avoidance and formation shape gain (position tracking relative to the other formation vehicles). Individual vehicle importance gain (relative to the leader), when the relative position or the velocity state indicate higher probability of collision. Same as field type
Acceleration Switch Gain accel_switch_gain - fp32_t Switch gain to compensate the worst case of the wind flow acceleration. Same as field type
Safety Distance safe_dist - fp32_t Inter-vehicle safety distance. Same as field type
Deconfliction Offset deconflict_offset - fp32_t Distance offset which defines the buffer area beyond the safety distace. Same as field type
Acceleration Safety Margin accel_safe_margin - fp32_t Safety margin to compensate for possible shortfalls from the predicted maximum acceleration that a vehicle can generate. Same as field type
Maximum Longitudinal Acceleration accel_lim_x - fp32_t Maximum predicted longitudinal acceleration a vehicle can generate. Same as field type

Enum Action

Action on the vehicle formation control parameters.

  • Abbreviation: Action
  • Prefix: OP
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Request REQ -
1 Set SET -
2 Report REP -

Formation Evaluation Data

Formation control performance evaluation variables.

  • Abbreviation: FormationEvaluation
  • Identification Number: 823
  • Payload Size: 65 bytes
  • Message Size: 87 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Type type Enumerated (Enum Type) uint8_t Indicates if the message is a request, or a reply to a previous request. Same as field type
Operation op Enumerated (Enum Operation) uint8_t Operation to perform. Same as field type
Mean Position Error err_mean - fp32_t Mean position error relative to the formation reference. Same as field type
Absolute Minimum Distance dist_min_abs - fp32_t Overall minimum distance to any other vehicle in the formation. Same as field type
Mean Minimum Distance dist_min_mean - fp32_t Mean minimum distance to any other vehicle in the formation. Same as field type
Mean Roll Rate roll_rate_mean - fp32_t Mean minimum distance to any other vehicle in the formation. Same as field type
Evaluation Time time - fp32_t Period over which the evaluation data is averaged. Same as field type
Formation Control Parameters ControlParams - message (Formation Control Parameters) Formation controller paramenters during the evaluation period. Same as field type

Enum Type

Indicates if the message is a request, or a reply to a previous request.

  • Abbreviation: type
  • Prefix: FC
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Request REQUEST -
1 Report REPORT -

Enum Operation

Operation to perform.

  • Abbreviation: op
  • Prefix: OP
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Start START Start the formation maneuver.
1 Stop STOP Stop the formation maneuver.
2 Ready READY Stop the formation maneuver.
3 Executing EXECUTING Stop the formation maneuver.
4 Failure FAILURE Stop the formation maneuver.

SOI Waypoint

No description

  • Abbreviation: SoiWaypoint
  • Identification Number: 850
  • Payload Size: 14 bytes
  • Message Size: 36 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Latitude lat ° fp32_t   Same as field type
Longitude lon ° fp32_t   Same as field type
Time Of Arrival eta - uint32_t   Same as field type
Duration duration s uint16_t   Same as field type

SOI Plan

No description

  • Abbreviation: SoiPlan
  • Identification Number: 851
  • Payload Size: 4+ bytes
  • Message Size: 26+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Plan Identifier plan_id - uint16_t   Same as field type
Waypoints waypoints - message-list (SOI Waypoint)   Same as field type

SOI Command

No description

  • Abbreviation: SoiCommand
  • Identification Number: 852
  • Payload Size: 12+ bytes
  • Message Size: 34+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Type type Enumerated (Enum Type) uint8_t   Same as field type
Command command Enumerated (Enum Command) uint8_t   Same as field type
Settings settings TupleList plaintext   Same as field type
Plan plan - message (SOI Plan)   Same as field type
Extra Information info - plaintext   Same as field type

Enum Type

No description

  • Abbreviation: type
  • Prefix: SOITYPE
Value Name Abbreviation Description
1 Request REQUEST -
2 Success SUCCESS -
3 Error ERROR -

Enum Command

No description

  • Abbreviation: command
  • Prefix: SOICMD
Value Name Abbreviation Description
1 Execute Plan EXEC -
2 Stop Execution STOP -
3 Set Parameters SET_PARAMS -
4 Get Parameters GET_PARAMS -
5 Get Plan GET_PLAN -
6 Resume Execution RESUME -

SOI State

No description

  • Abbreviation: SoiState
  • Identification Number: 853
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
  • Message Size: 28 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
State state Enumerated (Enum State) uint8_t   Same as field type
Plan Identifier plan_id - uint16_t   Same as field type
Waypoint Identifier wpt_id - uint8_t   Same as field type
Settings Checksum settings_chk - uint16_t   Same as field type

Enum State

No description

  • Abbreviation: state
  • Prefix: SOISTATE
Value Name Abbreviation Description
1 Executing EXEC -
2 Idle IDLE -
3 Inactive INACTIVE -

Message Fragment

No description

  • Abbreviation: MessagePart
  • Identification Number: 877
  • Payload Size: 5+ bytes
  • Message Size: 27+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Transmission Unique Id uid - uint8_t   Same as field type
Fragment Number frag_number - uint8_t   Same as field type
Total Number of fragments num_frags - uint8_t   Same as field type
Fragment Data data - rawdata   Same as field type

Neptus Blob

No description

  • Abbreviation: NeptusBlob
  • Identification Number: 888
  • Payload Size: 4+ bytes
  • Message Size: 26+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
ContentType content_type - plaintext   Same as field type
Content content - rawdata   Same as field type


This message signals that an Abort message was received and acted upon.

  • Abbreviation: Aborted
  • Identification Number: 889
  • Payload Size: 0 bytes
  • Message Size: 22 bytes

This message has no fields.

USBL Angles

This message contains information, collected using USBL, about the bearing and elevation of a target.

  • Abbreviation: UsblAngles
  • Identification Number: 890
  • Payload Size: 10 bytes
  • Message Size: 32 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Target target - uint16_t Target’s IMC address. Same as field type
Bearing bearing rad fp32_t Target’s bearing. Same as field type
Elevation elevation rad fp32_t Target’s elevation. Same as field type

USBL Position

This message contains information, collected using USBL, about a target’s position.

  • Abbreviation: UsblPosition
  • Identification Number: 891
  • Payload Size: 14 bytes
  • Message Size: 36 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Target target - uint16_t Target’s IMC address. Same as field type
X x m fp32_t X coordinate of the target in the local device’s reference frame. Same as field type
Y y m fp32_t Y coordinate of the target in the local device’s reference frame. Same as field type
Z z m fp32_t Z coordinate of the target in the local device’s reference frame. Same as field type


This message contains the WGS-84 position of a target computed using USBL.

  • Abbreviation: UsblFix
  • Identification Number: 892
  • Payload Size: 23 bytes
  • Message Size: 45 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Target target - uint16_t Target’s IMC address. Same as field type
Latitude (WGS-84) lat rad fp64_t WGS-84 Latitude. min=-1.5707963267948966, max=1.5707963267948966
Longitude (WGS-84) lon rad fp64_t WGS-84 Longitude. min=-3.141592653589793, max=3.141592653589793
Z Units z_units Enumerated (Enum Z Units) uint8_t Units of the z reference. Same as field type
Z Reference z m fp32_t Target reference in the z axis. Use z_units to specify whether z represents depth, altitude or other. Same as field type

Parameters XML

Message containing the parameters XML of the source system.

  • Abbreviation: ParametersXml
  • Identification Number: 893
  • Payload Size: 4+ bytes
  • Message Size: 26+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Locale locale - plaintext The locale used to produce this parameters XML. Same as field type
Configuration Data config - rawdata The parameters XML file compressed using the GNU zip (gzip) format. Same as field type

Get Parameters XML

Request the destination system to send its parameters XML file via a Parameters XML message.

  • Abbreviation: GetParametersXml
  • Identification Number: 894
  • Payload Size: 0 bytes
  • Message Size: 22 bytes

This message has no fields.

Set Image Coordinates

Message containing the x and y coordinates of object to track in remote peer.

  • Abbreviation: SetImageCoords
  • Identification Number: 895
  • Payload Size: 5 bytes
  • Message Size: 27 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Camera Identifier camId - uint8_t Camera identifier. Same as field type
X x px uint16_t X coordinate of the target in the image frame. Same as field type
Y y px uint16_t Y coordinate of the target in the image frame. Same as field type

Get Image Coordinates

Message containing the x and y coordinates of object to track in image slave.

  • Abbreviation: GetImageCoords
  • Identification Number: 896
  • Payload Size: 5 bytes
  • Message Size: 27 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Camera Identifier camId - uint8_t Camera identifier. Same as field type
X x px uint16_t X coordinate of the target in the image frame. Same as field type
Y y px uint16_t Y coordinate of the target in the image frame. Same as field type

Get World Coordinates

Message containing the x, y and z coordinates of object in the real world.

  • Abbreviation: GetWorldCoordinates
  • Identification Number: 897
  • Payload Size: 29 bytes
  • Message Size: 51 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Tracking tracking Enumerated (Enum Boolean Value) uint8_t True when system is tracking. Same as field type
Latitude lat rad fp64_t Latitude of the real world frame origin. Same as field type
Longitude lon rad fp64_t Longitude of the real world frame origin. Same as field type
X x m fp32_t X offsets of the target in the real world frame. Same as field type
Y y m fp32_t Y offsets of the target in the real world frame. Same as field type
Z z m fp32_t Z offsets of the target in the real world frame. Same as field type

USBL Angles Extended

This message contains information, collected using USBL, about the bearing and elevation of a target.

  • Abbreviation: UsblAnglesExtended
  • Identification Number: 898
  • Payload Size: 34+ bytes
  • Message Size: 56+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Target target - plaintext Target’s system name. Same as field type
Local Bearing lbearing rad fp32_t Target’s bearing in the local device’s reference frame. Same as field type
Local Elevation lelevation rad fp32_t Target’s elevation in the local device’s reference frame. Same as field type
Bearing bearing rad fp32_t Target’s bearing in the navigation reference frame. Same as field type
Elevation elevation rad fp32_t Target’s elevation in the navigation reference frame. Same as field type
Roll Angle phi rad fp32_t Rotation around the device longitudinal axis. min=-3.141592653589793, max=3.141592653589793
Pitch Angle theta rad fp32_t Rotation around the device lateral or transverse axis. min=-1.57079632679490, max=1.57079632679490
Yaw Angle psi rad fp32_t Rotation around the device vertical axis. min=-3.141592653589793, max=3.141592653589793
Accuracy accuracy rad fp32_t Accuracy of the fix. min=0, max=3.141592653589793

USBL Position Extended

This message contains information, collected using USBL, about a target’s position.

  • Abbreviation: UsblPositionExtended
  • Identification Number: 899
  • Payload Size: 42+ bytes
  • Message Size: 64+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Target target - plaintext Target’s system name. Same as field type
X x m fp32_t X coordinate of the target in the local device’s reference frame. Same as field type
Y y m fp32_t Y coordinate of the target in the local device’s reference frame. Same as field type
Z z m fp32_t Z coordinate of the target in the local device’s reference frame. Same as field type
N n m fp32_t X coordinate of the target in the navigation reference frame. Same as field type
E e m fp32_t Y coordinate of the target in the navigation reference frame. Same as field type
D d m fp32_t Z coordinate of the target in the navigation reference frame. Same as field type
Roll Angle phi rad fp32_t Rotation around the device longitudinal axis. min=-3.141592653589793, max=3.141592653589793
Pitch Angle theta rad fp32_t Rotation around the device lateral or transverse axis. min=-1.57079632679490, max=1.57079632679490
Yaw Angle psi rad fp32_t Rotation around the device vertical axis. min=-3.141592653589793, max=3.141592653589793
Accuracy accuracy m fp32_t Accuracy of the position fix. min=0

USBL Fix Extended

This message contains the WGS-84 position of a target computed using USBL.

  • Abbreviation: UsblFixExtended
  • Identification Number: 900
  • Payload Size: 27+ bytes
  • Message Size: 49+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Target target - plaintext Target’s system name. Same as field type
Latitude (WGS-84) lat rad fp64_t WGS-84 Latitude. min=-1.5707963267948966, max=1.5707963267948966
Longitude (WGS-84) lon rad fp64_t WGS-84 Longitude. min=-3.141592653589793, max=3.141592653589793
Z Units z_units Enumerated (Enum Z Units) uint8_t Units of the z reference. Same as field type
Z Reference z m fp32_t Target reference in the z axis. Use z_units to specify whether z represents depth, altitude or other. Same as field type
Accuracy accuracy m fp32_t Accuracy of the position fix. min=0