Core Messages

Entity State

State reported by an entity in the vehicle. The source entity is identified in the message header.

  • Abbreviation: EntityState
  • Identification Number: 1
  • Payload Size: 4+ bytes
  • Message Size: 26+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
State state Enumerated (Enum State) uint8_t State of entity. Same as field type
Flags flags Bitfield (Bitfield Flags) uint8_t Complementary entity state flags. Same as field type
Complementary description description - plaintext Complementary human-readable description of entity state. Same as field type

Enum State

State of entity.

  • Abbreviation: state
  • Prefix: ESTA
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Bootstrapping BOOT -
1 Normal Operation NORMAL -
2 Fault FAULT -
3 Error ERROR -
4 Failure FAILURE -

Bitfield Flags

Complementary entity state flags.

  • Abbreviation: flags
  • Prefix: EFLA
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x01 Human Intervention Required HUMAN_INTERVENTION -

Query Entity State

Request entities to report their state. Entities should respond by issuing an appropriate EntityState message.

  • Abbreviation: QueryEntityState
  • Identification Number: 2
  • Payload Size: 0 bytes
  • Message Size: 22 bytes
  • Flags: periodic

This message has no fields.

Entity Information

This message describes an entity.

  • Abbreviation: EntityInfo
  • Identification Number: 3
  • Payload Size: 9+ bytes
  • Message Size: 31+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Entity Identifier id - uint8_t Entity identifier. Same as field type
Label label - plaintext Entity label or empty if the entity id is not valid. Same as field type
Component name component - plaintext Name of the plugin/component/subsystem associated with this entity. Same as field type
Activation Time act_time s uint16_t Amount of time needed to properly activate the entity. Same as field type
Deactivation Time deact_time s uint16_t Amount of time needed to properly deactivate the entity. Same as field type

Query Entity Information

Request information about an entity identifier. The receiving system shall reply with an EntityInfo message with the details of that entity.

  • Abbreviation: QueryEntityInfo
  • Identification Number: 4
  • Payload Size: 1 bytes
  • Message Size: 23 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Entity Identifier id - uint8_t Entity identifier. Same as field type

Entity List

This message describes the names and identification numbers of all entities in the system.

  • Abbreviation: EntityList
  • Identification Number: 5
  • Payload Size: 3+ bytes
  • Message Size: 25+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
operation op Enumerated (Enum operation) uint8_t Operation to perform. Same as field type
list list TupleList plaintext Example: “Battery=11;CTD=3” Same as field type

Enum operation

Operation to perform.

  • Abbreviation: op
  • Prefix: OP
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Report REPORT -
1 Query QUERY -

CPU Usage

Report of software CPU usage.

  • Abbreviation: CpuUsage
  • Identification Number: 7
  • Payload Size: 1 bytes
  • Message Size: 23 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Usage percentage value % uint8_t The CPU usage, in percentage, of the sending software. max=100

Transport Bindings

Message generated when tasks bind to messages.

  • Abbreviation: TransportBindings
  • Identification Number: 8
  • Payload Size: 4+ bytes
  • Message Size: 26+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Consumer name consumer - plaintext The name of the consumer (e.g. task name). Same as field type
Message Identifier message_id - uint16_t The id of the message to be listened to. Same as field type

Restart System

Request the destination system to restart itself.

  • Abbreviation: RestartSystem
  • Identification Number: 9
  • Payload Size: 1 bytes
  • Message Size: 23 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Restart Type type Enumerated (Enum Restart Type) uint8_t   Same as field type

Enum Restart Type

No description

  • Abbreviation: type
  • Prefix: RSTYPE
Value Name Abbreviation Description
1 Dune DUNE Request a DUNE restart
2 System SYSTEM Request a system restart.

Device Calibration Control

This message controls the calibration procedure of a given device. The destination device is selected using the destination entity identification number.

  • Abbreviation: DevCalibrationControl
  • Identification Number: 12
  • Payload Size: 1 bytes
  • Message Size: 23 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Operation op Enumerated (Enum Operation) uint8_t Operation to perform. Same as field type

Enum Operation

Operation to perform.

  • Abbreviation: op
  • Prefix: DCAL
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Start START Start calibration procedure.
1 Stop STOP Stop calibration procedure.
2 Perform Next Calibration Step STEP_NEXT Perform next step of the calibration procedure.
3 Perform Previous Calibration Step STEP_PREVIOUS Perform previous step of the calibration procedure.

Device Calibration State

State of the calibration procedure.

  • Abbreviation: DevCalibrationState
  • Identification Number: 13
  • Payload Size: 5+ bytes
  • Message Size: 27+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Total Steps total_steps - uint8_t Total number of steps of the calibration procedure. Same as field type
Current Step Number step_number - uint8_t Number of the current step being performed. Same as field type
Description step - plaintext Human-readable description of the current step. Same as field type
Flags flags Bitfield (Bitfield Flags) uint8_t Additional flags. Same as field type

Bitfield Flags

Additional flags.

  • Abbreviation: flags
  • Prefix: DCS
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x01 Previous Step Not Supported PREVIOUS_NOT_SUPPORTED Jumping to the previous calibration step is not supported.
0x02 Next Step Not Supported NEXT_NOT_SUPPORTED Jumping to the next calibration step is not supported.
0x04 Waiting Device Calibration Control WAITING_CONTROL The calibration procedure was suspended and must be resumed or cancelled with a DeviceCalibrationControl message.
0x08 Calibration Error ERROR Calibration was interrupted due to an error and must be restarted or cancelled with a DeviceCalibrationControl message.
0x10 Calibration Procedure Completed COMPLETED The calibration procedure was completed.

Entity Activation State

State of entity activation/deactivation.

  • Abbreviation: EntityActivationState
  • Identification Number: 14
  • Payload Size: 3+ bytes
  • Message Size: 25+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
State state Enumerated (Enum State) uint8_t Current state. Same as field type
Error error - plaintext Human-readable error message. Same as field type

Enum State

Current state.

  • Abbreviation: state
  • Prefix: EAS
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Entity is Inactive INACTIVE Entity is inactive.
1 Entity is Active ACTIVE Entity is active.
2 Activation in Progress ACT_IP Activation is in progress.
3 Activation Completed ACT_DONE Activation is completed.
4 Activation Failed ACT_FAIL The activation procedure failed and the field ‘error’ contains the error message.
5 Deactivation In Progress DEACT_IP Deactivation is in progress.
6 Deactivation Completed DEACT_DONE Deactivation is in progress.
7 Deactivation Failed DEACT_FAIL The deactivation procedure failed and the field ‘error’ contains the error message.

Query Entity Activation State

Query the activation/deactivation state of an entity. The recipient shall reply with an EntityActivationState message.

  • Abbreviation: QueryEntityActivationState
  • Identification Number: 15
  • Payload Size: 0 bytes
  • Message Size: 22 bytes

This message has no fields.

Vehicle Operational Limits

Vehicle opertional limits. For aircraft this should represent the flight envelope and the dynamic contraints.

  • Abbreviation: VehicleOperationalLimits
  • Identification Number: 16
  • Payload Size: 69 bytes
  • Message Size: 91 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Action on the vehicle operational limits op Enumerated (Enum Action on the vehicle operational limits) uint8_t Action on the vehicle operation limits Same as field type
Minimum speed speed_min m/s fp32_t Minimum operation speed. For aircraft this is equal or larger then the stall speed. min=0
Maximum speed speed_max m/s fp32_t Maximum operation speed. For aircraft this is limited by the engine power or structural contrains. min=0
Longitudinal maximum acceleration long_accel m/s/s fp32_t Maximum longitudinal acceleration. min=0
Maximum MSL altitude alt_max_msl m fp32_t Maximum altitude above mean-sea-level. min=0
Maximum Dive Rate Speed Fraction dive_fraction_max - fp32_t Maximum dive rate (negative vertical speed) as a fraction of the longitudinal speed. min=0
Maximum Climb Rate Speed Fraction climb_fraction_max - fp32_t Maximum climb rate (positive vertical speed) as a fraction of the longitudinal speed. min=0
Bank limit bank_max rad fp32_t Limit to the bank angle (roll; angle over the xx body-axis). min=0
Bank rate limit p_max rad/s fp32_t Limit to the bank angular rate (roll; angle over the xx body-axis). min=0
Minimum pitch angle pitch_min rad fp32_t Minimum pitch angle (angle over the xx body-axis). Same as field type
Maximum pitch angle pitch_max rad fp32_t Maximum pitch angle (angle over the xx body-axis). Same as field type
Maximum pitch rate q_max rad/s fp32_t Maximum pitch angular rate (angle over the xx body-axis). min=0
Minimum load factor g_min g fp32_t Minimum load factor, i.e., maximum positive acceleration in the zz body-axis as a factor of the gravity acceleration at mean-sea-level. max=0
Maximum load factor g_max g fp32_t Maximum load factor, i.e., maximum negative acceleration in the zz body-axis as a factor of the gravity acceleration at mean-sea-level. min=0
Maximum lateral load factor g_lat_max g fp32_t Maximum lateral load factor, i.e., maximum acceleration in the yy body-axis as a factor of the gravity acceleration at mean-sea-level. min=0
Minimum RPMs rpm_min rpm fp32_t Minimum motor RPMs. min=0
Maximum RPMs rpm_max rpm fp32_t Maximum motor RPMs. min=0
Maximum RPM rate rpm_rate_max rpm/s fp32_t Maximum motor RPMs’ rate of change. min=0

Enum Action on the vehicle operational limits

Action on the vehicle operation limits

  • Abbreviation: op
  • Prefix: OP
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Request REQUEST -
1 Set SET -
2 Report REPORT -

Message List

No description

  • Abbreviation: MsgList
  • Identification Number: 20
  • Payload Size: 2+ bytes
  • Message Size: 24+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Messages msgs - message-list   Same as field type