Prior to the demo
- Create an area, of about 180 x 250 meters. Call it "RO3_survey"
- Create an area, rotated 90 degrees of about 180 x 250 meters. Call it "HET_survey"
- Check that test 09_Heterogeneous has NP2 moving underwater and "Simple" planner mode
Heterogeneous ScanArea
- Send RHIB to entrance of the base to provide safety
- Place NP1, Durius and NP2 in the area to be surveyed (station keeping). NP1 north, Durius middle and NP2 south
- Make sure no necsave platforms are running.
- Clear Necsave messages and platforms.
- Start etc/SeaTrials/09_Heterogeneous configuration on NP1, NP2, Durius and GCS.
- Wait for platforms to connect
- Stop station keeping on all platforms.
- Send necsave mission to platforms (ENV_SURVEY), "het_survey", "Heterogeneous Scan Area Demo".
- After the demo completes, stop NECSAVE on all platforms.
Pattern Formation
- Add a mine danger area in the map close to the subs pier
- Create a path plan from a place close to the platforms over the MDA and into subs pier - call it "MDA_PATH"
- Bring Durius, NP1 and NP2 closer together, having Durius facing the subs pier in the front of the AUVs
- Make sure no necsave platforms are running.
- Clear Necsave messages and platforms.
- Start etc/SeaTrials/08_PF configuration on NP1, NP2, Durius and GCS.
- Check that the plan is still valid and change (if needed)
- Wait for platforms to connect
- Stop any plans currently running on the platforms.
- Send necsave mission "AREA_SWEEP", "MDA_PATH", "Triangle", Leader=durius, F1 = north platf, F2 = south platf, "PF DEMO"
- After the demo completes, stop NECSAVE on all platforms
- Send Durius to recovery position
RO3 Mesh
- Make sure no necsave platforms are running.
- Clear Necsave messages and platforms.
- Send XT2, NP1 and NP2 into operational area, near the manta gateway (station keeping).
- Start etc/SeaTrials/07_RO3_Mesh configuration on NP1, NP2, XT2 and GCS.
- Wait for platforms to connect
- Stop Station Keeping on NP1, NP2 and XT2
- Send necsave mission (ENV_SURVEY), "RO3_SURVEY", "RO3 Mesh Demo"
- Open MeshStatePanel
- After the demo completes, stop NECSAVE on all platforms